Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Increasing Lung cancer cases amongst Women

Men probably have got the message of the disastrous effect smoking holds but the health issues among women are increasing and the most disastrous effect of smoking affecting the lungs is now higher amongst the women.

Offers Quit Smoking sessions and helps to stop smoking. Our stop smoking sessions are held at Glasgow, Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Inverness etc.

In England, the rate of lung cancer amongst women has gone up by 10% in a span of 19 years between 1987 and 2006. The rate earlier was 32.3 cases for every 100,000 patients but it has now risen to 35.4 cases for every 100,000.

But the women alone are not to be blamed for this. All the campaigns designed to quit smoking have always concentrated more on men and thus the success rate on men quitting has been higher reducing the cases of lung cancer from 70.4 per 100,000 to 59.4 per 100,000 in UK in the year 2007. But this has affected the opposite sex higher causing a higher number of lung cancer cases.

Dr. Paul Beckett says "Lung cancer is one of the UK's biggest killers and we really need to focus on reducing rates across all groups in society” He also added that concentrating on people to help them quit can be the biggest achievement in reducing the number of deaths due to lung cancer. He also requested the masses to immediately report their GP for an X-Ray in cases of cough and breathlessness. He also promised equal high quality treatment all across the country.

The Government thus is ensuring they design better structures to help early diagnosis of cancer and help the patients with all the support and care they require. This can help save up to 10,000 lives a year in England!

Previous Post: Medicare helps cessation of smoking

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